a Solo Art Show opened!

621 Gallery
621 Industrial Drive
Tallahassee, FL 32310

You could say that I went to Florida last week…
But that would be a stretch!

A solo art show – Abstract Stitch | Susan Hensel Projects! I shipped a whole lot of my work to 621 Gallery in Tallahassee, Florida last week.  This was the solo art show, ABSTRACT STITCH, that had been delayed by the pandemic, not once, but TWICE!

The first scheduled date, about a year ago, was cancelled early, due to pandemic closures. The second time, the boxes were all prepared, lined up, weighed and measured and ready to be entered in the UPS website. It was then when I thought…hmm I better check this out. Florida had just reached its second pandemic peak! The show was a no go.

Well, fast forward 3 or 4 months… And the show is ON!  I’ve received my first shot, but still await the second… so, for me, the show is virtual. My work flew and I attended via ZOOM.  See a FLY-THROUGH of the installed show here!

What’s it like attending a solo art show opening via ZOOM?

I have to admit that a ZOOM reception is a surreal experience! I have been ZOOMING 2-5 times per week for the last year, attending church, meetings, conferences and classes. But this was a first for me! I have attended lots of openings and given lots of artists talks over the years. I enjoy it. It is a real ego boost to engage directly with viewers and discuss your work.

I put on a nice blouse over my studio pants (I was only going to be seen from the waist up!) Smeared on some lipstick and dialed-in.

It was noisy, echoing off of the hard surfaces.  People were masked, chatting, happy. Music reverberated. The directors welcomed me and took me on a quick iPhone tour of my show. They hung and lighted it perfectly!

They had set up a large screen, seated people in green chairs and began the talks!  I could see all these lovely masked people as they peered uncomfortably at me and hoped that my screen share and ZOOM-background worked! I think it mostly worked!

And you can see my ZOOM-talk here.

I answered questions that were relayed to me by  the directors. It is hard to hear in galleries as it is, but when lips are covered and distance is mediated by ZOOM and the artist has hearing aids… Thank goodness for interpreters!

ZOOM is such an odd thing.  It is at once, intensely intimate while distant. But, because you are not physically together, there are a few imposed limits. You do not have all the same body language clues, physical touch or the mysterious pheromone experiences we all rely-on for communication.  I was very aware of that, but had to ignore it so I could perform.

So, How was it, really?

To be sure, this is not my preferred way to give a talk! And yes, I would have loved to go to Florida! But, all-in-all….


Abstract Stitch
Susan Hensel
March 4-26, 2021
621 Gallery
Tallahassee, FL 32310
850-222-6210 •  621galleryinc@gmail.com