Aileen Bassis

2023-06-07T21:41:14-04:00Articles, Exhibition|

Aileen Bassis Reader's Art 12 : Longing for Home  Aileen Bassis: "In 2006 I discovered that my mother was developing dementia.  It was a devastating and overwhelming shock.  The person that I knew my entire life was dissolving before me.  As an artist, I make work about subjects that disturb and concern me and so I made art about mom and indirectly, me.  All of the texts are from my conversations with her.  Since I made this work, my father has passed away, and mom is now in assisted living.  I visit often and listen to her rambling words and mourn the loss of the person she used to be.  I no longer make art about her. " Reader's Art 12: Longing for Home March 16-April 26, 2012 opening reception, Friday, March 16, 7-10pm Textile Art by Susan Hensel Discover the transformation of textile art by Susan Hensel. Susan Hensel is a multidisciplinary artist, with a 50+ year career. She combines a mixed media practice with embroidery across digital and manual platforms. She also makes sculptures and wall art using the colors and techniques of commercial embroidery. These artworks are designed in the computer and stitched out on the computer-aided embroidery [...]