Embroidery Art of Susan Hensel |THE BIRTH OF ZIG ZAG | In and Out of the Fold | Susan Hensel Projects

2020-10-20T19:47:16-04:00Embroidery Art, Exhibition|

Embroidery Art of Susan Hensel THE BIRTH OF ZIG-ZAG looking, playing, recognizing ZIG ZAG, embroidery art by Susan Hensel, premiering in In and Out of the Fold, is the result of looking and playing and then recognizing a useful composition. Check out our shop here. Much of my time as an artist is spent looking. Not seeing exactly, but actively looking at things.  It is simply how I am wired: I need to look at lots and lots of things… a lot. Finding the relationships between shapes and objects. Taking the time to see and train your eyes to see what most people can’t is what art is all about. Awakening the human mind. I enjoy finding the shape of the spaces surrounding an object. While also discerning the shapes of ordinary things and imagining how else that shape could be employed. I also like playing with shapes and objects and diverse materials. […]