Upwelling Story Susan Hensel | a story in four parts | 3-d embroidery

2020-10-09T16:07:07-04:00Articles, Embroidery Art|

Upwelling Story Susan Hensel Upwelling Story Susan Hensel-During these times of fewer exhibitions I have been studying a lot.  One of my studies has been, and continues to be, with Transformational Creative Coach Tressa Berman.  I signed on for a six week session to investigate how I might prepare for the reopening of the art world.  It was clear to me that real-world obstacles to exhibition and sales still remained.  It was less clear to me how I might be sabotaging my progress…what kinds of beliefs and habits of thought could be inhibiting how I move forward.  I sometimes joke that parenthood brings on adult-onset-ADD. During this pandemic, it seems to be ADD on steroids! Too many ideas, too little focus. […]

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