New Reflective Embroidery Art by Susan Hensel | Reflective Conundrum | Susan Hensel Projects

2020-10-20T20:11:20-04:00Embroidery Art, Exhibition|

New Reflective Embroidery Art by Susan Hensel REFLECTIVE CONUNDRUM co·nun·drum /kəˈnəndrəm/ noun a confusing and difficult problem or question. a question asked for amusement, typically one with a pun in its answer; a riddle Premiering NOW in In and Out of the Fold New Reflective Embroidery Art by Susan Hensel  REFLECTIVE CONUNDRUM  by New Reflective Embroidery Art by Susan Hensel is a  6 part sculpture that, through reflection, bending light, color and unusual materials defies definitions and asks questions for which there are no answers. Is it a sculpture? Is it a set of books?  Where does it end?  Where does it begin? […]