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Creating Beyond Limits

Create Beyond Limits with Susan Hensel. I know!  I know!  It’s been a long time since I posted. Creating beyond limits is happening, but the limits are real.  So, you will have to wait a bit longer as I wend my way through physical  therapy and recovery. By the way, recovery is actually going very well.  I am grateful that Dorothy Watson has written another guest post to share with you about the business of being an artist!   READ ON!


Create Beyond Limits


Create Beyond Limits: Empowering Tips to Revitalize Your Artistry

In the realm of creativity, the only constant is change. To thrive, one must be willing to dive into the unknown and embrace the myriad possibilities that risk-taking offers. Courtesy of acclaimed artist Susan Hensel, let’s embark on a journey to rejuvenate your creative spirit and open the doors to innovation and inspiration.

Dive Headfirst Into Uncharted Waters

Stepping out of your comfort zone is essential for igniting your creative spark. The fear of failure often holds back the wave of innovation, but it’s in the moments of uncertainty that creativity flourishes. By daring to explore ideas that seem unconventional or even radical, you pave the way for groundbreaking discoveries and solutions. This adventurous approach not only enhances your creative capabilities but also enriches your personal and professional growth.

 Transforming Your Career Path for Creative Renewal

Reinvigorating your creativity sometimes requires a bold career change, and earning a degree through an online program offers a practical path to this transformation. This flexible educational model allows you to work full-time while enhancing your skill set, for example, you could complete your online computer science degree and gain expertise in IT, programming, and computer science theory that not only broadens your creative horizons but also helps streamline the research process. Such a transition can refresh your creative outlook and better equip you to tackle new challenges and seize opportunities in your new field.

Unleash Your Thoughts Through Freewriting

Imagine a stream of consciousness flowing freely onto a blank canvas, unrestricted and uninhibited. This is the essence of freewriting, a technique that allows your thoughts to roam wild, uncovering hidden gems of creativity along the way. Dedicate time each day to this practice, and you’ll find yourself stumbling upon ideas and perspectives that were previously buried deep within your subconscious. It’s a simple yet profoundly effective method for breaking through creative blocks and refreshing your mindset.

Crafting Your Creative Identity When Seeking a Job

Securing a more creatively fulfilling job begins with crafting a stellar resume, meticulously tailored to each unique position. Adjusting the keywords in the skills section ensures your expertise aligns closely with what each employer is seeking. Equally important is thoughtfully curating the content of your professional history and educational experiences, highlighting the aspects most relevant and appealing to your prospective employers. Before you start creating one, look online for resources that will teach you how to write a resume. This way, you can start sending out stellar resumes with confidence.

Crafting Your Creative Identity When Seeking Art Opportunities

The resume, or CV, is somewhat different when the opportunities you seek art exhibitions, gallery representation or grants.  The best website information I have found is at  The artist resume is, largely, about their exhibition history and their public collections, residencies, grants and awards.  It is a dry, boring document that gives the facts, and nothing but the facts.  It is a key ingredient to any exhibition or grant proposal and every artist, at any level of development, needs one.  A great way to learn about this specialized resume building is to look at artists resumes online. Look up the artists whose work you admire.  See what their resumes look like.  Copy the format.  Also, pay attention to how their resume shows how their careers developed.  You just may find your next opportunity on their resume.

Broadening Your Intellectual Horizons

The power of diverse reading cannot be overstated in its capacity to expand your creative boundaries. Immersing yourself in a wide array of subjects, genres, and authors exposes you to different thought processes, storytelling techniques, and worldviews. Each new piece of literature adds layers to your understanding and appreciation of the world, serving as a boundless source of inspiration. Cultivating a diverse reading habit is akin to feeding your creative soul with the nutrients it needs to grow and thrive. In the contemporary artworld, research is the new buzzword for chosen subject matter.

 Designing a Sanctuary for Creativity

Your environment plays a pivotal role in your ability to concentrate and harness your creative energy. By establishing a space dedicated to tranquility and free from distractions, you create a sanctuary where your mind can wander freely and delve deep into the creative process. This peaceful setting is crucial for achieving moments of flow, where your creativity can soar without bounds and produce your most profound work.

 Embracing the Artist Within Through New Mediums

Exploring new mediums of artistic expression is akin to learning a new language; it opens up a world of possibilities for how you communicate and express your creative vision. Whether it’s painting, digital art, writing, or music, each medium offers unique tools and perspectives for storytelling and self-expression. Venturing into unfamiliar territories not only challenges your skills but also broadens your creative repertoire, enabling you to convey your ideas in multifaceted ways.

Revitalizing your creativity is a journey of exploration, risk-taking, and continuous learning. By embracing these strategies, you unlock the door to a world where innovation knows no bounds, and your creative potential is limitless. Remember, the path to creative rejuvenation is as unique as you are, so chart your course, and let your imagination lead the way.


The art of Susan Hensel is represented in libraries and museums as disparate as the Museum of Modern Art in New York and The Getty Research Institute. Feel free to email