Create Beyond Limits | Susan HenselProjects

2024-05-23T12:21:04-04:00Art, Articles, News|

Image by Freepik   Creating Beyond Limits Create Beyond Limits with Susan Hensel. I know!  I know!  It’s been a long time since I posted. Creating beyond limits is happening, but the limits are real.  So, you will have to wait a bit longer as I wend my way through physical  therapy and recovery. By the way, recovery is actually going very well.  I am grateful that Dorothy Watson has written another guest post to share with you about the business of being an artist!   READ ON! […]

Happy Holidays | Susan Hensel Projects

2024-05-23T12:28:06-04:00Articles, News, Art|

Happy Holidays from Susan Hensel Projects Happy Holidays from Susan Hensel Projects! It’s been quite the year around here…as those who routinely read the blog know: injury, ongoing recovery, burying dogs, moving domicile and studio! While all is not yet completed and with more medical interventions on the horizon, I begin the exit of this discombobulated year with more strength, hope and gratitude than I entered the year. I am so thankful for all the help, prayers and generalized support of friends and family and new neighbors! A satisfying life is built from many relationships with many people: […]

How do things become? | creativite process | Susan Hensel Projects

2023-10-31T12:01:42-04:00Articles, Art|

How do things become? or what does the creative process look like? How do things become? I  thought you might like to see “the process” of becoming for a new work of art. As I return to the studio full time, my creativity is waking up.  It’s pretty stiff and creaky, like the broken parts of my body.  But, also like my body, it knitting back together.  I am playing with stitch outs from “Before the Fall!” (As in broken leg, not Adam and Eve in the Garden.) When I fell on the ice 6 months ago, there was one large, multi part piece in process awaiting a wood armature and a small wayfinder awaiting finely shaped maple.  I ordered the maple, perhaps the day before “The Fall.”  It arrived while I was in rehab. There were enough modules stitched to make the large piece larger or manipulate some of them into something else, while I await the completion of the woodshop. […]

Back to the land of the Living! | Energy | Gratitude| Susan Hensel Art

2023-10-31T11:53:44-04:00Art, News|

Back in the Land of the Living with some energy and lots of gratitude Hi there my friends! I am sort of back to the land of the living! I am 6 months into a year of healing from a complex broken leg and just starting to get around on a cane. While I still look pretty pitiful, my doctors and therapists assure me I am doing as well or better than can be expected from this serious an injury. GEESH! Had I known what I was in for, I would have chosen a different injury! […]

What Is The Best Art To Invest In?

2023-06-08T13:56:30-04:00Articles, Embroidery Art, Art|

What Is The Best Art To Invest In? In a world where art investments have gained massive popularity, people are constantly looking for the most lucrative and rewarding art forms to invest in. While traditional forms of art such as paintings and sculptures control the market, textile art has emerged as a hidden gem that combines artistic excellence with investment potential. What is the best art to invest in? This article discusses why textile art is the best art to invest in, offering a compelling case for both collectors and investors. What Is The Best Art To Invest In? Recently, there has been a remarkable rush in interest and demand for textile art. Artists around the globe are pushing boundaries and exploring new possibilities within this adaptable medium, resulting in ground-breaking creations that enthrall audiences. This growing trend translates into a promising investment opportunity, as the increased demand drives up the value of textile art over time. Textile art includes a wide range of techniques and styles, allowing artists to express their creativity in unique and attractive ways. From intricate tapestries and vibrant quilts to contemporary textile installations, each piece tells a story and evokes emotions. [...]

How We Identify Art

2023-06-08T14:02:27-04:00Articles, Embroidery Art, Art|

How We Identify Art Art is an immense and ever-evolving realm of human creativity and expression. It encompasses a wide range of forms, styles, and mediums, making it both fascinating and challenging to identify and define. We will dive into the intricacies of how we identify art, exploring the subjective nature of artistic clarification, the role of cultural settings, and the criteria used to differentiate art from other forms of human creation. By unraveling these facets, we can gain a deeper understanding of the complex process of how we identify art. Subjectivity And Interpretation One of the captivating aspects of identifying art is the subject involved. Art is open to interpretation, and what may be considered art by one person may not be seen the same by another. The perception of art is influenced by personal experiences, cultural backgrounds, and individual tastes. The spectator's explanation plays a significant role in identifying art, as it relies on their ability to connect with the artwork and appreciate its visual, emotional, or intellectual qualities. Intent And Creative Intention The intention of the creator plays a crucial role in identifying art. When an individual intentionally creates something with [...]

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