Happy Holidays from Susan Hensel Projects

Happy Holidays from Susan Hensel Projects! It’s been quite the year around here…as those who routinely read the blog know: injury, ongoing recovery, burying dogs, moving domicile and studio!

While all is not yet completed and with more medical interventions on the horizon, I begin the exit of this discombobulated year with more strength, hope and gratitude than I entered the year. I am so thankful for all the help, prayers and generalized support of friends and family and new neighbors!

A satisfying life is built from many relationships with many people:

Physical Therapists: Brenda and Gabe
Myofascial Therapist Jessica
Spiritual Companion and mentor Peggy
All the hospital and rehab workers and clerics
Faceless Marketing who helped me keep my career alive
and myriad other helpers too numerous to name!

Let us not forget the celebrations of art, wine, music and laughter!