Barbara Milman

2023-06-07T21:40:53-04:00Articles, News|

Barbara Milman Reader's Art 12: Longing for Home Barbara Milman- I work primarily in two media: prints and handmade artist books (either in very small editions or unique). The books all have a message or story that is told both by the books as art objects and by their text and images.  The message, for the past several years, has been about climate change.  My specific concerns have been with the fate of coral reefs, the warming of the oceans and the Arctic, the effect of climate change on different environments and species. My books are experimental in form.  Most recently I have been making books out of old cigar boxes, which I alter and into which I put smaller books, or texts and images.  The books are multi-media, incorporating monoprints, linocuts, solar plate etchings. Hand stamped type, decorative paper, digital photography, and digital design. At times I use some traditional bookmaking methods. Such as accordion books or Coptic bindings, but for the most part, techniques are developed for each book to fit the design and the message. Reader's Art 12: Longing for Home March 16- April 26, 2012 Susan Hensel Gallery The focus of Susan Hensel [...]