Create Beyond Limits | Susan HenselProjects

2024-05-23T12:21:04-04:00Art, Articles, News|

Image by Freepik   Creating Beyond Limits Create Beyond Limits with Susan Hensel. I know!  I know!  It’s been a long time since I posted. Creating beyond limits is happening, but the limits are real.  So, you will have to wait a bit longer as I wend my way through physical  therapy and recovery. By the way, recovery is actually going very well.  I am grateful that Dorothy Watson has written another guest post to share with you about the business of being an artist!   READ ON! […]

Being a public facing artist | Make Art | Susan Hensel Projects


Being a public-facing artist? “What on earth does she mean?” People make art for lots of good reasons. For some artmaking is a hobby, fit into their days and weeks for the sheer pleasure of creation.  They may sometimes share/give away the artwork to trusted friends and family. They may display the artwork around their homes. For some, making art is a way to understand themselves.  It is therapeutic, soothing, a mostly private act like journaling. For some it is a spiritual act, like prayer or meditation. For some of us, making art is or becomes a passion that produces more art than one can display at home or in the homes of friends and families. […]

What is Art Storage | Next steps | Susan Hensel Projects


What is Art Storage? or What are the next steps on the Triptik? What is Art Storage. In the last blog post I talked about finding my way in this long, circuitous career. At the first of every year I sit down and write some goals for the year. It’s more like a task list in my case. My tasks this year revolve around taking care of the artwork and meeting with my attorney to update the estate plans as necessary. […]

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