The Ancient Mariner Awakes | New Work | Susan Hensel Projects

2024-02-06T15:10:10-05:00Articles, Embroidery Art|

The Ancient Mariner Awakes | New work | Susan Hensel Projects February 5, 2024, during the winter that did not arrive in Minnesota! Life is a strange thing, de-stabilizing at times.  Whole swaths of time can fly by un-noticed.  I heard on the radio this morning that that sudden awareness of lost time, like the morning commute finishing fast, is evidence of a state of flow.  (Yes, I suppose, but, God forbid,  it could be a black-out as well!)  Sure, sometimes it is a creative time.  But sometimes it really is a lost time, perhaps a hibernation; a period of regrouping, of reconsideration…maybe even a paradigm shift.  […]

Titles Are Weird Things | New Work | Susan Hensel Projects

2022-06-28T14:40:16-04:00Embroidery Art, Articles|

Titles Are Weird Things New Work   Titles are weird things.  I make new work all the time.  Sometimes I know, right from the beginning, what the title of the work will be.  But, more often than not, the finished piece takes time to reveal itself. Sometimes the piece is with holding and it takes help to find the title.  That was the case with this piece. […]

Can Beauty help us | Perhaps a manifesto | Susan Hensel Projects |

2022-01-04T19:21:49-05:00News, Articles|

Can Beauty help us? Perhaps a manifesto Can Beauty help us? I make art to learn what I am thinking and feeling.  While it is always an internal investigation, I am engaged with the world and culture around me. I am a quiet contemplative, a delayed emotional reactor, a visual glutton.  I think and mediate, I get mad the next day and I just simply have to look…all the time. From this essential disposition and with study and thought I have adopted a theory for my artmaking that I call “radical beauty.” So, here goes!  Starting with a few appropriate quotes. […]

NEW WORK | Climate change | Susan Hensel Projects

2021-10-27T14:52:22-04:00Articles, News|

Where Does New Work come from? Vacation?  Climate change? Vacation is a bit different for me than many people.I don’t go for the hiking and boating, although I might do both. Well, maybe not the boating. My stiff knees makes getting in and out of my preferred watercraft, canoes and kayaks, hard. […]

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