How do things become? | creativite process | Susan Hensel Projects

2023-10-31T12:01:42-04:00Art, Articles|

How do things become? or what does the creative process look like? How do things become? I  thought you might like to see “the process” of becoming for a new work of art. As I return to the studio full time, my creativity is waking up.  It’s pretty stiff and creaky, like the broken parts of my body.  But, also like my body, it knitting back together.  I am playing with stitch outs from “Before the Fall!” (As in broken leg, not Adam and Eve in the Garden.) When I fell on the ice 6 months ago, there was one large, multi part piece in process awaiting a wood armature and a small wayfinder awaiting finely shaped maple.  I ordered the maple, perhaps the day before “The Fall.”  It arrived while I was in rehab. There were enough modules stitched to make the large piece larger or manipulate some of them into something else, while I await the completion of the woodshop. […]

Mentoring and things | Musings| Susan Hensel Projects


Mentoring and things | Musings Why are all these people so happy? We all just began a big new experiment: COACHING PROJECT FOR A BETTER WORLD Mentoring and things . Earlier this summer, while I was on vacation, my dear friend and coach Peggy told me about this opportunity with Art to Change the World. And then my friend Layl invited me to apply for the grant, to be a mentor. Perhaps the universe was trying to tell me something. I really do love mentoring! So, I applied. I was accepted! […]

Alicia Bailey

2023-06-07T21:40:32-04:00Articles, Exhibition|

Alicia Bailey Reader's Art 12: Longing for Home  Denver artists Alicia Bailey says, "The phrase “home is where the heart is” is one that confounded me in childhood. Others seemed to think that home was a house somewhere. I asked my mother about it once, or maybe more than once. Her response to my idea, if my home is where my heart is, then my body must be my home, was an exasperated “Where do you come up with these ideas?” The conviction that my home is the one that I carry with me everywhere, my physical body, has stayed with me and continues to make sense. I find comfort in the notion of my home as something that is wholly mine. A thing while it can be shared, used or abused by others, exploited even, belongs to no other. A place that will cease to exist at the same moment that I do. The five books here reference the physical (Shedding), the sensual (Burning Me Open), the psychological (Two Hearts), the spiritual (Mercy) and all the above (Ab)." Reader's Art 12 : Longing for Home March 16-April 26, 2012 opening reception Friday, March 16, 7-10pm Textile Art by Susan [...]

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