Being a public facing artist | Make Art | Susan Hensel Projects


Being a public-facing artist? “What on earth does she mean?” People make art for lots of good reasons. For some artmaking is a hobby, fit into their days and weeks for the sheer pleasure of creation.  They may sometimes share/give away the artwork to trusted friends and family. They may display the artwork around their homes. For some, making art is a way to understand themselves.  It is therapeutic, soothing, a mostly private act like journaling. For some it is a spiritual act, like prayer or meditation. For some of us, making art is or becomes a passion that produces more art than one can display at home or in the homes of friends and families. […]

How Digital Art Is Made With ODETTA Digital – ESSENTIAL WORKS | Susan Hensel Projects

2021-03-16T10:48:13-04:00Articles, Exhibition|

How Digital Art Is Made For The Winter Exhibition It’s time for a story… I made the decision to join ODETTA Digital art on the SHIM Art Network just as the virus hit. This was around the same time most in-person art viewing was shutting down. I am still grateful and happy in doing so. If you don’t already know, the way I craft my art involves both personal planning and creativity and also computer assisting. I put together the color combinations and style of stitching. Then, I load the information into the digital framework which generates the patterns to bring things to life. […]

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