ART is…Episode 1 |a series from Susan Hensel Projects

2022-01-06T11:32:20-05:00Articles, Exhibition|

ART is…Episode 1 ART is…Episode 1. Artists are often asked: “Why is THAT art?” Sometimes the person goes on to say, “Isn’t art supposed to be beautiful? ” or “It doesn’t look like anything!”. We artists are always flabbergasted, challenged, unprepared and at a loss for words when asked these questions. For us “THE ART QUESTION” is sort of a settled question or we would not be spending so much time making it! But we are an inarticulate lot! We fumble around to answer your questions! We take Twists and turns and chase rabbits down rabbit holes! So, I thought I’d spend a few blog posts musing on this topic! Maybe you will find it interesting, enlightening, revealing or hogwash! […]

Running a growing art studio | Susan Hensel Projects | Textile Art


Running a growing art studio is running a business…sort-of. So, once again, I am musing about things.  My workflow has recently become a bit more than I can sustain. Good things are coming my way a bit more frequently.  Even good things take time to accomplish. Fulfilling deadlines and data needs are eating into creative time with materials.  Has there been an uptick in income to match this activity?  a tiny bit….but mostly the demands on my time have increased. So, once again I had to look at my actual personal financial budget and determine how much I could carve out for a studio assistant and what I needed them to do. […]

The Value of Art | Continuing Education | Susan Hensel Projects


I have been thinking a lot about the value of art lately.  I intuitively know that it is not just any ordinary commodity, governed directly by costs, supply and demand.  While those things are important, they are not the whole story.  I have been having these discussions with friends in business for years…and just simply have not had the language or economic understanding to hold up my end of the discussion or get across what I mean. […]

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