The Ancient Mariner Awakes | New Work | Susan Hensel Projects

2024-02-06T15:10:10-05:00Articles, Embroidery Art|

The Ancient Mariner Awakes | New work | Susan Hensel Projects February 5, 2024, during the winter that did not arrive in Minnesota! Life is a strange thing, de-stabilizing at times.  Whole swaths of time can fly by un-noticed.  I heard on the radio this morning that that sudden awareness of lost time, like the morning commute finishing fast, is evidence of a state of flow.  (Yes, I suppose, but, God forbid,  it could be a black-out as well!)  Sure, sometimes it is a creative time.  But sometimes it really is a lost time, perhaps a hibernation; a period of regrouping, of reconsideration…maybe even a paradigm shift.  […]

New Art | New Exhibitions | New Life At |Susan Hensel Projects

2023-10-31T12:09:16-04:00Exhibition, Articles, News|

New Art, New Exhibitions, New Life At Susan Hensel Projects a meandering post about what’s up now? The leaves are bright and falling from the trees in brisk, sunny, windy gusts and maybe even slush by the end of the week! Where on earth did the time go? New art, new exhibitions, new life at Susan Hensel projects. Well, truth be told, it went to setting up a new home and studio, going to physical therapy, and…yes…RETURNING TO NEAR FULL TIME STUDIO WORK! […]

How do things become? | creativite process | Susan Hensel Projects

2023-10-31T12:01:42-04:00Articles, Art|

How do things become? or what does the creative process look like? How do things become? I  thought you might like to see “the process” of becoming for a new work of art. As I return to the studio full time, my creativity is waking up.  It’s pretty stiff and creaky, like the broken parts of my body.  But, also like my body, it knitting back together.  I am playing with stitch outs from “Before the Fall!” (As in broken leg, not Adam and Eve in the Garden.) When I fell on the ice 6 months ago, there was one large, multi part piece in process awaiting a wood armature and a small wayfinder awaiting finely shaped maple.  I ordered the maple, perhaps the day before “The Fall.”  It arrived while I was in rehab. There were enough modules stitched to make the large piece larger or manipulate some of them into something else, while I await the completion of the woodshop. […]

Back to the land of the Living! | Energy | Gratitude| Susan Hensel Art

2023-10-31T11:53:44-04:00News, Art|

Back in the Land of the Living with some energy and lots of gratitude Hi there my friends! I am sort of back to the land of the living! I am 6 months into a year of healing from a complex broken leg and just starting to get around on a cane. While I still look pretty pitiful, my doctors and therapists assure me I am doing as well or better than can be expected from this serious an injury. GEESH! Had I known what I was in for, I would have chosen a different injury! […]

The Balls You Cannot See Coming | Unintended Results | Susan Hensel Art

2023-10-31T11:46:23-04:00Articles, News, Exhibition|

The Balls You Cannot See Coming Bring Unintended Results Life throws all kinds of balls at you. (Didn’t I just say that in a recent post?) Soft balls, beach balls, bouncy balls, bowling balls… You haven’t heard from me much lately…like since at least February? Things have been full of surprises around here…not all of them fun. […]

Saying “Yes” | Opportunity Knocks


Saying “Yes” When Opportunity Knocks I just sent out a New Year’s Newsletter  from Susan Hensel Gallery + Projects.  The responses are mostly “Out-of-office” replies that need to be looked at.  But there are also sweet, nice emails from friends and clients.  The “kudos” that we all enjoy when then arrive. The social network responses about how hard I work.   I do work hard, I guess, between an appalling number of appointments and administration tasks. But I also work with great joy. I am always experimenting on multiple fronts at all times, assembling parts and ideas until, seemingly all at once, multiple pieces come together and are completed. So, while it looks like I suddenly made 3 new pieces, the reality is that they have been kicking around the studio, sometimes for months, before I have to put my foot down and “finish it up, dammit!” […]

Stitchery Stories | A Conversation | Susan Hensel Projects


STITCHERY STORIES A Conversation   A few weeks ago I had the intense pleasure of speaking with Susan Weeks of the Stitchery Stories Podcast. Though parted by an ocean and a vast time difference. King with her in Great Britain was like talking to my favorite neighbor or long lost friend!   […]

Finding Your way | Persistence | Susan Hensel Projects


Finding your way takes persistence and maybe a few wayfinding devices. [su_custom_gallery source=”media: 11383,11382,11381″ limit=”7″ link=”lightbox” width=”310″ height=”310″ title=”never”] Finding your way takes persistence and maybe a few wayfinding devices. It is easy to get myopic in the studio.  We artists tend to get caught up in the details: each blade of grass offers an opportunity to linger. And then…there are the droplets of dew!!!  Oh My!  It is all so beautiful! Awe inspiring!  I could gaze at it forever! Such GREEN! Green is a hard color to work with…what am I gonna’ do? Is it going to be a painting?  Where’s the canvas?  Or shall I stitch it?  Maybe beads? OOPS!  I forgot what I was doing! […]

Collecting Art on a budget | Why does art cost so much | Susan Hensel Projects


Collecting Art… on a Budget? And, why does art cost so much? I love art.  I make art and I sometimes wonder, too.  I make art that I cannot easily afford! Collecting Art on a budget. You and I see the news flashes about auction prices at 10’s of millions of dollars.  You go to galleries and museums and see tiny, precious things, or huge piles of ordinary detritus and you wonder, ” What gives here?”  I get asked questions from time to time. […]

Titles Are Weird Things | New Work | Susan Hensel Projects

2022-06-28T14:40:16-04:00Articles, Embroidery Art|

Titles Are Weird Things New Work   Titles are weird things.  I make new work all the time.  Sometimes I know, right from the beginning, what the title of the work will be.  But, more often than not, the finished piece takes time to reveal itself. Sometimes the piece is with holding and it takes help to find the title.  That was the case with this piece. […]

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