Running a growing art studio | Susan Hensel Projects | Textile Art


Running a growing art studio is running a business…sort-of. So, once again, I am musing about things.  My workflow has recently become a bit more than I can sustain. Good things are coming my way a bit more frequently.  Even good things take time to accomplish. Fulfilling deadlines and data needs are eating into creative time with materials.  Has there been an uptick in income to match this activity?  a tiny bit….but mostly the demands on my time have increased. So, once again I had to look at my actual personal financial budget and determine how much I could carve out for a studio assistant and what I needed them to do. […]

NEW WORK | Climate change | Susan Hensel Projects

2021-10-27T14:52:22-04:00Articles, News|

Where Does New Work come from? Vacation?  Climate change? Vacation is a bit different for me than many people.I don’t go for the hiking and boating, although I might do both. Well, maybe not the boating. My stiff knees makes getting in and out of my preferred watercraft, canoes and kayaks, hard. […]

Throwing Shade | Supremacist Lace Flags | Susan Hensel Projects

2021-07-08T22:46:04-04:00Articles, Embroidery Art|

Throwing Shade | Supremacist Lace Flags Throwing Shade | Supremacist Lace Flags | Susan Hensel Projects. One of the most interesting things about making art is unexpected discoveries.  I work in a highly technical realm, with computers and computer-aided devices, yet I work very intuitively. […]

BOOKISH is Open TODAY | New Art | Susan Hensel Projects

2021-03-11T18:15:16-05:00Exhibition, News|

Looking For New Art? Look No Further As BOOKISH Is Live! BOOKISH is now available for your enjoyment! This is a special exhibition of new art of textile medium related to artists books. Many of you know that I have a deep background in artists books. Many of the books I created are in major collections all over the place, including the Museum of Modern Art. Every year, I still nerd out and make at least one book.  I LOVE books. I covet books. I buy books all the time. So it should be no surprise that I have expressed my love of books in textiles as well as paper and board! […]

Art Collaboration with Susan Hensel | Ensemble Ouvert? | Susan Hensel Projects

2020-10-20T20:30:19-04:00News, Exhibition|

Art Collaboration with Susan Hensel in a Global Context Ensemble Ouvert…Excuse me?   The art world is global.  How’s that for a statement? And it involves Collaboration. And it is all in context. Living and working in the midwest, it is easy to lose sight of that.  Even though this may be obvious when you think about it, what I do, what all artists do,  is part of a very large, loosely organized global market of culture producers! No matter what, we all collaborate in a global context these days. But then the question is How do I connect with the larger world of art?  It’s pretty much impossible for Americans to travel right now to most countries of the world due to the pandemic.   Even if we were brave enough to get on airplanes to fly all over the world, many borders are closed to us right now. […]

Opening Today! | In and Out of the Fold Susan Hensel Projects

2020-10-03T15:21:30-04:00Exhibition, Articles|

Susan Hensel Art Exhibition NOW OPEN! IN AND OUT OF THE FOLD A Susan Hensel Art Exhibition [su_box title=”IN AND OUT OF THE FOLD”]“Susan Hensel’s textile work is a dizzying journey of shifting colors and arresting, yet abstract, form. In and Out of the Fold presents biomorphic shapes and geometric patterns with sumptuous texture, representing Hensel’s long history with transformative, sculptural work.”- Jonathon M Clark, independent critic[/su_box] Susan Hensel Art Exhibition-As the art exhibition world remains sleepy during the pandemic, waking-up oh so slowly around the nation, artists and galleries are moving exhibitions and sales online.  So, too, is the textile artist Susan Hensel, introducing new, never before seen artwork to the online audience. […]

Escaping the upheaval…in my imagination! | Susan Hensel Projects | New Artworks


Escaping into my imagination, Sometimes, during this time of restriction and physical isolation, I lose sight of the abundance around me.  When I do, I have some tricks that seem to help. Every year that I go to Lake Superior, I stop and buy a special handmade mug to take out on the deck with me.  When I desperately need to escape from it all… from the pandemic, cultural upheaval, loud neighborhood parties, fireworks, politics, violence…I get out this mug and sit in my yard and imagine myself there! […]

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