22 09, 2020

Embroidery Art of Susan Hensel |THE BIRTH OF ZIG ZAG | In and Out of the Fold | Susan Hensel Projects

2020-10-20T19:47:16-04:00Embroidery Art, Exhibition|

Embroidery Art of Susan Hensel THE BIRTH OF ZIG-ZAG looking, playing, recognizing ZIG ZAG, embroidery art by Susan Hensel, premiering in In and Out of the Fold, is the result of looking and playing and then recognizing a useful composition. Check out our shop here. Much of my time as an artist is spent looking. Not seeing exactly, but actively looking at things.  It is simply how I am wired: I need to look at lots and lots of things… a lot. Finding the relationships between shapes and objects. Taking the time to see and train your eyes to see what most people can’t is what art is all about. Awakening the human mind. I enjoy finding the shape of the spaces surrounding an object. While also discerning the shapes of ordinary things and imagining how else that shape could be employed. I also like playing with shapes and objects and diverse materials. […]

20 09, 2020

New Artwork by Susan Hensel | FOLD UNFURLED | Susan Hensel Projects

2020-10-20T19:53:18-04:00Articles, Exhibition|

 New Artwork by Susan Hensel FOLDS UNFURLED a sad story with a happy ending FOLDS UNFURLED, new artwork by Susan Hensel. Often things do not come out as expected, do they?  Sometimes the cake falls. Sometimes you are out of a key ingredient and need to improvise. Sometimes the unexpected outcome is SO MUCH BETTER than the planned outcome! That is what makes studio life so exciting! […]

18 09, 2020

New Reflective Embroidery Art by Susan Hensel | Reflective Conundrum | Susan Hensel Projects

2020-10-20T20:11:20-04:00Embroidery Art, Exhibition|

New Reflective Embroidery Art by Susan Hensel REFLECTIVE CONUNDRUM co·nun·drum /kəˈnəndrəm/ noun a confusing and difficult problem or question. a question asked for amusement, typically one with a pun in its answer; a riddle Premiering NOW in In and Out of the Fold New Reflective Embroidery Art by Susan Hensel  REFLECTIVE CONUNDRUM  by New Reflective Embroidery Art by Susan Hensel is a  6 part sculpture that, through reflection, bending light, color and unusual materials defies definitions and asks questions for which there are no answers. Is it a sculpture? Is it a set of books?  Where does it end?  Where does it begin? […]

16 09, 2020

Chromatic Flutter Susan Hensel Projects| In and Out of the Fold | Susan Hensel Projects


Chromatic Flutter at Susan Hensel Projects In and Out of the Fold @Susan Hensel Projects During the pandemic shutdown, I have been working away. This special online exhibition, In and Out of the Fold, introduces 4 new pieces. New! Chromatic Flutter Susan Hensel Projects Chromatic Flutter: Today I want to show you CHROMATIC FLUTTER. I am so thrilled with this piece! It simply lifts my heart each time I look at it! If you know my work, it is obviously part of the group you might call Chromatics. With this, and many other pieces, I am not only investigating how folds change the shape of a piece, but how the skewing of space changes how color is perceived! […]

14 09, 2020

Opening Today! | In and Out of the Fold Susan Hensel Projects

2020-10-03T15:21:30-04:00Exhibition, Articles|

Susan Hensel Art Exhibition NOW OPEN! IN AND OUT OF THE FOLD A Susan Hensel Art Exhibition [su_box title=”IN AND OUT OF THE FOLD”]“Susan Hensel’s textile work is a dizzying journey of shifting colors and arresting, yet abstract, form. In and Out of the Fold presents biomorphic shapes and geometric patterns with sumptuous texture, representing Hensel’s long history with transformative, sculptural work.”- Jonathon M Clark, independent critic[/su_box] Susan Hensel Art Exhibition-As the art exhibition world remains sleepy during the pandemic, waking-up oh so slowly around the nation, artists and galleries are moving exhibitions and sales online.  So, too, is the textile artist Susan Hensel, introducing new, never before seen artwork to the online audience. […]

10 09, 2020



In and Out of the Fold – Susan Hensel Textile Work [su_box title=”In And Out Of The Fold – COMING SOON” box_color=”#2a6bb0″]September 14, 2020 – November 2, 2020 Watch for NEW, never before seen work by Susan Hensel, ready to delight and uplift your spirits. MARK YOUR CALENDARS Return HERE for the link to the show on September 14![/su_box] Susan Hensel textile work is a dizzying journey of shifting colors and arresting, yet abstract, form. In and Out of the Fold presents biomorphic shapes and geometric patterns with sumptuous texture, representing Hensel’s long history with transformative, sculptural work. The series revels in overwhelming color, serving to create moments of intense sensation. In a world of increasing speed and economic literal mindedness, Hensel slows down time through visual intensity, pausing these dominant concerns. But the pieces do not merely prefer the transcendent to the physical, rather they unite the two modes into a shared space. […]

8 09, 2020

Susan Hensel Projects Catalog! | Geometric Stitch catalog online | Susan Hensel Projects

2020-10-22T17:32:25-04:00Exhibition, Articles, Freebies|

Susan Hensel Projects Catalog Free Geometric Stitch Catalog! Susan Hensel Projects Catalog is free: As the exhibition GEOMETRIC STITCH wends to a close, don’t miss out on viewing the Free Geometric Stitch Catalog! The show is both a reprise of parts of the shows PLATONIC DUALITIES and the show ABSTRACT STITCH  that would have been mounted at 621 Gallery in Tallahassee this year. The catalog contains a professional essay and the whole show, “hung” in the intended order. The next exhibition will be IN AND OUT OF THE FOLD.  Stay tuned for dates!  I will be premiering 4 brand new pieces! […]

5 09, 2020

Upwelling Story Susan Hensel | a story in four parts | 3-d embroidery

2020-10-09T16:07:07-04:00Articles, Embroidery Art|

Upwelling Story Susan Hensel Upwelling Story Susan Hensel-During these times of fewer exhibitions I have been studying a lot.  One of my studies has been, and continues to be, with Transformational Creative Coach Tressa Berman.  I signed on for a six week session to investigate how I might prepare for the reopening of the art world.  It was clear to me that real-world obstacles to exhibition and sales still remained.  It was less clear to me how I might be sabotaging my progress…what kinds of beliefs and habits of thought could be inhibiting how I move forward.  I sometimes joke that parenthood brings on adult-onset-ADD. During this pandemic, it seems to be ADD on steroids! Too many ideas, too little focus. […]

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25 08, 2020

In Need Of Art | About Those Online Exhibitions | Susan Hensel Projects

2021-03-11T14:18:18-05:00Exhibition, Articles|

WE NEED ART! We, here in Minneapolis, still smack in the middle of the Covid-19 pandemic, as is the majority of the United States. The East coast creative scene is cautiously opening up, here and there. A lot of the blue-chip galleries have moved out to South Hampton, where their clients are sheltering in place. I just sent artwork to the Silvermine Art Center for their next show. They started opening up in July! Seems wild, doesn't it? Or at least it seems wild if you are living in one of the epicenters! Here, in Minneapolis, the art museums are opening for a few days per week by appointment and with strict rules and restrictions. I went to the Walker Art Center, and felt both safe and at risk! It was a weird experience, but being in the actual presence of real, rather than virtual, art was wonderful. I am craving a visit to the Minneapolis Institute of Art. I have a need to sit in front of a medieval or renaissance oil painting to contemplate how the light bounces around through the layers of oil glazes! That cannot be done through a screen. Perhaps I can safely do [...]

21 08, 2020

Artwork begins to move into the world | Susan Hensel Projects

2020-08-26T12:24:21-04:00Articles, News, Exhibition|

While virtual exhibitions are still more common than in-person shows…a few things are moving out the door and into the world for a spell.  I can’t tell you how good it feels to have the work speak in the ways that were always intended. […]

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