Exploring The Therapeutic Role Of Art In Mental Health And Well-Being


Exploring The Therapeutic Role Of Art In Mental Health And Well-Being Exploring the therapeutic role of art in mental health and well-being. In a world where everything moves too quickly and stress and anxiety loom at large, art is emerging as an effective avenue for supporting our mental health. Creating art provides a therapeutic outlet for self-expression while appreciating and discussing art can foster emotional well-being. However, the benefits of art extend beyond the canvas; the environment in which you create and display your artwork can play a pivotal role in your mental wellness as well. In this article from Susan Hensel Gallery, we’ll explore the concept of using art as a means to enhance your mental well-being. Exploring The Therapeutic Role Of Art: How Art Promotes Mental Health Engaging in artistic activities such as sculpting, painting, or drawing is a dynamic journey toward better mental health and well-being. According to Scripps AMG, the very act of creating art facilitates a sense of inner calm while encouraging us to think with greater flexibility, which can improve our mental resilience. Exploring the limitless possibilities of art can foster a mental environment primed for problem-solving and creative [...]

Susan Hensel Textile Talks and more | Podcasts | Susan Hensel Projects

2023-01-05T12:38:33-05:00Articles, News|

 Susan Hensel Textile Talks Susan Hensel Textile Talks. I started doing Textile Talks and more interviews with international pod casters last month, thanks to the  hard work of my marketing team, Faceless Marketing.  Each podcast seems to have a different flavor, a slightly different focus. It started with Stitchery Stories with Susan Weeks. See my blog post about it here. […]

Collecting Art on a budget | Why does art cost so much | Susan Hensel Projects


Collecting Art… on a Budget? And, why does art cost so much? I love art.  I make art and I sometimes wonder, too.  I make art that I cannot easily afford! Collecting Art on a budget. You and I see the news flashes about auction prices at 10’s of millions of dollars.  You go to galleries and museums and see tiny, precious things, or huge piles of ordinary detritus and you wonder, ” What gives here?”  I get asked questions from time to time. […]

COVID-19 And Art, Time-No-Time


COVID-19 And Art, Time-No-Time My friends and I named the epidemic the “TIME-NO-TIME”. But, the interaction of COVID-19 and art, the epidemic cancelled my exhibition schedule in one fell swoop. After 50 years of making and exhibiting artwork at almost all times...the work had nowhere to go. Of course, the first response was panic. In order to assert a little control over the TIME-NO-TIME, I decided to study and learn more about the trends in the global art market. I enrolled in an intensive class on artwork economics with Christie’s Auction House, studying under Dr. Clare McAndrew, a world-renowned analyst of global art business. I had been observing the changes happening re: online sales. All indications were that this segment would grow during the pandemic, reduce somewhat as it died down, but remain at 15-25% of sales going forward.     Moving Online: COVID-19 And Art Subsequently, several things intersected. I had hired Faceless Marketing, a full-service marketing agency prior to COVID-19, to re-brand me, polish up my personal website as well as my gallery website, and create a real presence on the internet. I was looking for more ways to exhibit even though galleries and museums were shut down. [...]

Why Residencies? | Musings | Susan Hensel Projects


Why Residencies? It’s been a long time since I attended one. They do present certain challenges. Most of my adult life I was either a single parent of a child or a dog, neither of whom could attend residencies with me. Residencies are available all over the world. They range from yurts and tree houses to resort like accommodations. You can find residencies on a working farm. You can find residencies in the mountains of somewhere. They can be as basic as pit toilets and tents and more glamorous than anything you live in. Many, if not most artists, have day jobs that don’t accommodate the need to get away to attend to your “true career.” And then there is the expense! […]

Twists and Turns | New Work | Susan Hensel Projects

2021-10-27T14:52:46-04:00Articles, Embroidery Art, News|

Life is always full of Twists and Turns. So is my new artwork. More years ago than I care to count, I lost my husband to a freak accident, leaving me with a two year old. Sad? yes. But there is always learning to be had. The day after his father’s death, I told my son that his Daddy would not be coming home. His 2 year old response,”OK. Let’s play zoo.” So many unforeseen bridges were left to cross ahead, but the imperative, as demonstrated by a two year old, was “going forwardness,” to continue to grow, learn and live. Those imperatives do not disappear.Creativity is our birthright. It has survival value. We need it to grow-up and into our lives, no matter what they may be. […]

LaThoriel Badenhausen

2023-06-07T21:40:25-04:00Articles, Exhibition|

LaThoriel Badenhausen Reader's Art 12: Longing for Home New York artist LaThoriel Badenhausen wrote: "Paper dolls! Growing up poor in rural Minnesota, my paper dolls were wrinkled, faded dolls culled and cut from the Christmas Sears Roebuck catalog.  Every year, I received a bounty of new paper dolls in the mail.  (Montgomery Ward’s “dolls” were inferior). My paper dolls were constant friends during days spent indoors waiting out a blizzard. Schiaparelli Fashion Paper Dolls remind me of that place, those days.  Just as a child I pasted new dresses to a doll when I became bored with her fashion presence or posture, I have transformed the dated Schiaparelli paper dolls by giving each doll a face evident in the currently fashionable art context.  Yoko Ono, Pamela Lehman, Nara, Cattelan, Warhol, Jesus and his disciples and McCarthy’s “Tomato Head”." Textile Art by Susan Hensel Discover the transforming textile art by Susan Hensel. Susan Hensel is a multidisciplinary artist, with a 50+ year career. She combines a mixed media practice with embroidery across digital and manual platforms. She also makes sculptures and wall art using the colors and techniques of commercial embroidery. These artworks are designed in the computer and stitched out on the [...]

Alicia Bailey

2023-06-07T21:40:32-04:00Articles, Exhibition|

Alicia Bailey Reader's Art 12: Longing for Home  Denver artists Alicia Bailey says, "The phrase “home is where the heart is” is one that confounded me in childhood. Others seemed to think that home was a house somewhere. I asked my mother about it once, or maybe more than once. Her response to my idea, if my home is where my heart is, then my body must be my home, was an exasperated “Where do you come up with these ideas?” The conviction that my home is the one that I carry with me everywhere, my physical body, has stayed with me and continues to make sense. I find comfort in the notion of my home as something that is wholly mine. A thing while it can be shared, used or abused by others, exploited even, belongs to no other. A place that will cease to exist at the same moment that I do. The five books here reference the physical (Shedding), the sensual (Burning Me Open), the psychological (Two Hearts), the spiritual (Mercy) and all the above (Ab)." Reader's Art 12 : Longing for Home March 16-April 26, 2012 opening reception Friday, March 16, 7-10pm Textile Art by Susan [...]

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