26 05, 2023

How We Identify Art

2023-06-08T14:02:27-04:00Articles, Embroidery Art, Art|

How We Identify Art Art is an immense and ever-evolving realm of human creativity and expression. It encompasses a wide range of forms, styles, and mediums, making it both fascinating and challenging to identify and define. We will dive into the intricacies of how we identify art, exploring the subjective nature of artistic clarification, the role of cultural settings, and the criteria used to differentiate art from other forms of human creation. By unraveling these facets, we can gain a deeper understanding of the complex process of how we identify art. Subjectivity And Interpretation One of the captivating aspects of identifying art is the subject involved. Art is open to interpretation, and what may be considered art by one person may not be seen the same by another. The perception of art is influenced by personal experiences, cultural backgrounds, and individual tastes. The spectator's explanation plays a significant role in identifying art, as it relies on their ability to connect with the artwork and appreciate its visual, emotional, or intellectual qualities. Intent And Creative Intention The intention of the creator plays a crucial role in identifying art. When an individual intentionally creates something with [...]

7 05, 2023

The Balls You Cannot See Coming | Unintended Results | Susan Hensel Art

2023-10-31T11:46:23-04:00News, Exhibition, Articles|

The Balls You Cannot See Coming Bring Unintended Results Life throws all kinds of balls at you. (Didn’t I just say that in a recent post?) Soft balls, beach balls, bouncy balls, bowling balls… You haven’t heard from me much lately…like since at least February? Things have been full of surprises around here…not all of them fun. […]

9 01, 2023

Saying “Yes” | Opportunity Knocks


Saying “Yes” When Opportunity Knocks I just sent out a New Year’s Newsletter  from Susan Hensel Gallery + Projects.  The responses are mostly “Out-of-office” replies that need to be looked at.  But there are also sweet, nice emails from friends and clients.  The “kudos” that we all enjoy when then arrive. The social network responses about how hard I work.   I do work hard, I guess, between an appalling number of appointments and administration tasks. But I also work with great joy. I am always experimenting on multiple fronts at all times, assembling parts and ideas until, seemingly all at once, multiple pieces come together and are completed. So, while it looks like I suddenly made 3 new pieces, the reality is that they have been kicking around the studio, sometimes for months, before I have to put my foot down and “finish it up, dammit!” […]

23 12, 2022

New Work | New Shows | Susan Hensel Projects


New Work | New Shows | Slow Going   New Work. Christmas is just a few frigid days from now.  The whole country is struggling with the “Bomb Cyclone” winter weather! It is -11 F (almost -28 C!) and I am snuggled up in my wool socks, sweater and scarf listening to  the machines stitch away.  It is a comforting sound and the wind whistles through the 100 year old door jamb!  I do NOT plan to go out today, not even for physical therapy! “Studio perceptions” are Odd things at any time of the year, but more so this year.  Between wild weather, health, politics et al, it’s often hard to get a clear picture of what is happening! When it feels like NOTHING is happening, […]

18 12, 2022

What’s Your Story | Christie’s Marketing | Susan Hensel Projects

2023-01-05T12:13:39-05:00Articles, News, Exhibition|

WHAT’S YOUR STORY? Christie’s Marketing And why should you care?   I just attended my second Christie’s Auction House education program.  This one is on marketing.  I have enjoyed the education I receive from Christie’s. It’s mighty spendy, but the courses have great depth. You get to listen to global experts and representatives from the business of art. The first session  of  Marketing, Communications and PR for the Art World was all about brand development. […]

10 11, 2022

Susan Hensel Textile Talks and more | Podcasts | Susan Hensel Projects

2023-01-05T12:38:33-05:00Articles, News|

 Susan Hensel Textile Talks Susan Hensel Textile Talks. I started doing Textile Talks and more interviews with international pod casters last month, thanks to the  hard work of my marketing team, Faceless Marketing.  Each podcast seems to have a different flavor, a slightly different focus. It started with Stitchery Stories with Susan Weeks. See my blog post about it here. […]

12 10, 2022

Stitchery Stories | A Conversation | Susan Hensel Projects


STITCHERY STORIES A Conversation   A few weeks ago I had the intense pleasure of speaking with Susan Weeks of the Stitchery Stories Podcast. Though parted by an ocean and a vast time difference. King with her in Great Britain was like talking to my favorite neighbor or long lost friend!   […]

18 09, 2022

Finding Your way | Persistence | Susan Hensel Projects


Finding your way takes persistence and maybe a few wayfinding devices. [su_custom_gallery source=”media: 11383,11382,11381″ limit=”7″ link=”lightbox” width=”310″ height=”310″ title=”never”] Finding your way takes persistence and maybe a few wayfinding devices. It is easy to get myopic in the studio.  We artists tend to get caught up in the details: each blade of grass offers an opportunity to linger. And then…there are the droplets of dew!!!  Oh My!  It is all so beautiful! Awe inspiring!  I could gaze at it forever! Such GREEN! Green is a hard color to work with…what am I gonna’ do? Is it going to be a painting?  Where’s the canvas?  Or shall I stitch it?  Maybe beads? OOPS!  I forgot what I was doing! […]

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