How Digital Art Is Made With ODETTA Digital – ESSENTIAL WORKS | Susan Hensel Projects

2021-03-16T10:48:13-04:00Exhibition, Articles|

How Digital Art Is Made For The Winter Exhibition It’s time for a story… I made the decision to join ODETTA Digital art on the SHIM Art Network just as the virus hit. This was around the same time most in-person art viewing was shutting down. I am still grateful and happy in doing so. If you don’t already know, the way I craft my art involves both personal planning and creativity and also computer assisting. I put together the color combinations and style of stitching. Then, I load the information into the digital framework which generates the patterns to bring things to life. […]

Exhibitions Opening Soon | Susan Hensel Projects | Bookish

2021-03-11T19:15:59-05:00Exhibition, Articles|

BOOKISH | New Art In COVID-Times This is a truly special exhibition inspired by books in the unique medium of textiles. The artist Susan Hensel remains hard at work while others choose to take this time to rest. Don’t miss out on the preview of this new art in COVID-times while waiting for the opening Dec 18, 2020… Discover the sneak peek exclusively for the new works in BOOKISH. […]

The Value of Art | Continuing Education | Susan Hensel Projects


I have been thinking a lot about the value of art lately.  I intuitively know that it is not just any ordinary commodity, governed directly by costs, supply and demand.  While those things are important, they are not the whole story.  I have been having these discussions with friends in business for years…and just simply have not had the language or economic understanding to hold up my end of the discussion or get across what I mean. […]

Persist | Textile Art | Susan Hensel Projects

2021-03-12T12:29:42-05:00Exhibition, Articles|

What Is Textile Art To Susan Hensel Projects Textile art has many meanings and depends on who you speak with. To the fellow artist, it is another form of expressing yourself. In essence, it means to tell a story to help you feel an emotion. To the viewer, it could offer a sense of subtle beauty and inspiration. For Susan Hensel Projects, textile art is a form of persistence and resilience. […]

Art Catalogs Susan Hensel Projects | Embroidery Art

2021-03-12T13:48:52-05:00Articles, Freebies|

Art Catalogs Hensel Projects Catalogs! Catalogs! Did We Mention Catalogs? Just a little note to let you know that there are FREE art catalogs available from Susan Hensel Projects!  The pandemic made me do it!  That is, start the special, online, curated exhibitions.  As a result, the list of catalogs is growing.  Get them here! Take a look below to get a preview and go take a look or download them for later.  You can even print them out!   […]

Upwelling Story Susan Hensel | a story in four parts | 3-d embroidery

2020-10-09T16:07:07-04:00Articles, Embroidery Art|

Upwelling Story Susan Hensel Upwelling Story Susan Hensel-During these times of fewer exhibitions I have been studying a lot.  One of my studies has been, and continues to be, with Transformational Creative Coach Tressa Berman.  I signed on for a six week session to investigate how I might prepare for the reopening of the art world.  It was clear to me that real-world obstacles to exhibition and sales still remained.  It was less clear to me how I might be sabotaging my progress…what kinds of beliefs and habits of thought could be inhibiting how I move forward.  I sometimes joke that parenthood brings on adult-onset-ADD. During this pandemic, it seems to be ADD on steroids! Too many ideas, too little focus. […]

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In Need Of Art | About Those Online Exhibitions | Susan Hensel Projects

2021-03-11T14:18:18-05:00Exhibition, Articles|

WE NEED ART! We, here in Minneapolis, still smack in the middle of the Covid-19 pandemic, as is the majority of the United States. The East coast creative scene is cautiously opening up, here and there. A lot of the blue-chip galleries have moved out to South Hampton, where their clients are sheltering in place. I just sent artwork to the Silvermine Art Center for their next show. They started opening up in July! Seems wild, doesn't it? Or at least it seems wild if you are living in one of the epicenters! Here, in Minneapolis, the art museums are opening for a few days per week by appointment and with strict rules and restrictions. I went to the Walker Art Center, and felt both safe and at risk! It was a weird experience, but being in the actual presence of real, rather than virtual, art was wonderful. I am craving a visit to the Minneapolis Institute of Art. I have a need to sit in front of a medieval or renaissance oil painting to contemplate how the light bounces around through the layers of oil glazes! That cannot be done through a screen. Perhaps I can safely do [...]

SUSAN HENSEL online Exhibition | Susan Hensel Projects

2020-10-22T17:40:39-04:00Exhibition, Articles|

SUSAN HENSEL ONLINE EXHIBITION! Geometric Stitch Opening July 13 SUSAN HENSEL ONLINE EXHIBITION, Geometric Stitch, the first online exhibition curated from Susan Hensel Projects. With the changing art market situation, I have decided to begin curating online exhibitions on my website. Every couple of months I will be posting new groups of work and essays.  Real, almost live, exhibitions!  Or as safely live as we can get during the pandemic. […]

The Art Business in times of Covid | Susan Hensel Projects


  What have you been doing during this pandemic? I’ve been reading about business! What have you been doing during this pandemic? I am looking at the gallery scene, mostly in the US.  I have been listening to interviews with people like David Zwirner and Jeffrey Deitch.  Reading online magazines: The Art Newspaper, Artnet News, Hyperallergic, Artsy, Artspace.  It has been very interesting. Like many artists, nearly 100% of my planned exhibitions were delayed or canceled. I’m not yet suffering financially, although most artists are.  Most galleries are in or about to be in dire straits. Some of the artist-run spaces I know are closing. So are some of the mid-sized spaces. Studio crawls are attempting to go virtual. Museums are shut as tight as a drum! […]

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